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It  all started when I was 14. I saw a photographer on instagram and loved the way he saw the world, and how he captured it with a camera. I began researching which camera was best for me, not even thinking about where I was going to find the money to purchase one. Before I even took my first picture, photography consumed me. I would come home every day after school and continue searching for the perfect camera, what everything on a camera meant, and how to properly edit pictures. The Canon t5. That was my first camera, and arguably my first love (just kidding). I became obsessed with it, took it everywhere; taking pictures of everything. Suddenly I began to see the world through a camera lens- evwhen I wasn't looking through one. Whenever I kept my camera at home, I would see the PERFECT shot (or what I thought was at that time) and suddenly wished I had brought my camera. It was my prized possession. Opening that box on my 14th birthday and seeing the red Canon Rebel box, tears literally streamed down my face. Yet, its never been about the camera itself, but what it does. It captures moments in time that could only re-exist in memories. It captures the essence of life in its simplest form. 

Flash forward two years, and here I am making a website. Honestly, I'm not sure what the purpose of this is. I just need a place to put my favorite shots, and to showcase my passion.  If you are interested in buying my photographs, head on over to the "Buy" tab, I appreciate it SO much! So make what you will of it, and if you ever want to contact me, don't hesitate.

Thanks for visiting,



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